
The Emerging Social Network

Social Games essential elements of Social Networks, Email may become next essential element

Social Games have become important part of social networks. (May be next is email)

In an interview with Founder of Zorpia, Mr Jeffrey, we came to know that he loves the games and hopes that Zorpian will love it.
When i asked him that is he planning to launch mail service after Ibibo, Itimes, MySpace and now Facebook has done that, he said that he do not want to follow the trend and will only launch if needed. As Zorpia is about making new friends so he feels that mail do not becomes a part of it.

He even told that Facebook is not a competitor as Facebook offers connection with friends where as Zorpia is all about making new online friends.

Zorpia has a message system. It also have a notifier system but you need to download it to your computer as a program. I feel that now we have entered into the arena of apps where we need all as an extension to browser so i hope that we may see an extension soon for Zorpia.

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